Not All Points Are Equal: Learning Highly Efficient Point-based Detectors for 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
# Main Ideas
- Turns out
F-FPS from 3DSSD is still not good enough in preserving foreground points.
- Introduced Class-aware Sampling
# Class-Aware Sampling
- Superior sampling method compared to F-FPS and D-FPS
- Using vanilla cross-entropy loss $$L_{cls-aware}=-\sum^{C}_{c=1}(s_i\log(\hat{s_i})+(1-s_i)\log(1-\hat{s_i}))$$
- $C:$ Number of catergories
- $s_i:$ One hot labels
- $\hat{s_i}:$ predicted logits
# Centroid Aware Sampling
- Give higher weight to points near instance centroid $$Mask_i=\sqrt[3]{\frac{\min(f^,b^)}{\max(f^,b^)}\times \frac{\min(l^,r^)}{\max(l^,r^)}\times\frac{\min(u^,d^)}{\max(u^,d^)}}$$
- $f^∗, b^∗, l^∗, r^∗, u^∗, d^∗$ represent the distance of a point to the 6 surfaces (front, back, left, right, up and down)
- This mask is used during training via the ctr-aware loss $L_{ctr-aware}$. At inference we simply keep top $k$ points with highest scores. $$L_{ctr-aware}=-\sum^{C}_{c=1}(Mask_i\cdot s_i\log(\hat{s_i})+(1-s_i)\log(1-\hat{s_i}))$$
# Contextual Centroid Prediction
- bruh $$L_{cent}=\frac{1}{|\mathcal{F}+|}\frac{1}{|\mathcal{S}+|}\sum_i\sum_j (|\Delta\hat{c_{ij}}-\Delta c_{ij}|+|\hat{c_{ij}}-\overline{c_i}|)\cdot \mathbb{1}S(p{ij})$$
- where $$\overline{c_i}=\frac{1}{|S_+|}\sum_j\hat{c_{ij}}\quad,\quad\mathbb{1}{S}(p{ij}):\mathcal{P}\to{0,1}$$
- $|\mathcal{F}_+|$ = the total number of GT boxes used to predict centroids
- $|\mathcal{S}_+|$ = number of points used to predict the instance center
- $\Delta\hat{c_{ij}}$ = offset predicted to instance center
- $\Delta{c_{ij}}$ = GT offset from a point $p_{ij}$ to center point
- $\mathbb{1}_S$ = indicator fn to determine whether point is used
- implementation: expand GT box by some amount, then include all points inside the expanded box.
Examine the $|\hat{c_{ij}}-\overline{c_i}|$ term a bit more:
- Each GT box has one of these.
- For each relevant point (i.e. points inside the expanded GT box)
- take their average, that becomes $\overline{c_i}$
- then while looping over each predicted centroid, the term is calculated.
- overall effect seems to promote all assignment points inside a GT box to predict the same centroid location